

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 上海市 松江区 小昆山镇 昆西社区 上海市松江区石湖荡镇塔汇路755弄29号1幢一层A区213室
  • 姓名: 颜涛
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:电气 工控电器 DCS/PLC系统
  • 发布日期:2023-07-20
  • 阅读量:41
  • 价格:888.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:模块
  • 产品数量:1000.00 台
  • 包装说明:纸盒包装
  • 发货地址:上海松江小昆山昆西社区  
  • 关键词:西门子PLC代理商,西门子PLC总代理,西门子一级代理商,西门子授权代理商,西门子PLC报价




    伺服驱动器masterdrivesMASTERDRIVES-*一**而范围完全的驱动器---- MASTERDRIVES系列驱动器具有*一**的性能:在多样的机械设计应用中具有统一的设计标准,功率从0.2kW到6000kW。它具有两大完全独立而又可以很好地互相协调的系列:应用于高动态响应循环机械控制的运动控制(MC),和应用于复杂连续生产过程的矢量控制(VC)。这些驱动器几乎覆盖了所有的应用领域。适合于0.2kW以上的所有应用领域。SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC - 运动控制驱动器---- MASTERDRIVES MC覆盖了功率范围从0.2kW到250kW的所有应用领域,并且通过了CE、EN、VL和CSA的国际。另外,运动控制驱动器具有很宽的电压使用范围,这使得它能够在世界各地使用。---- 如果您需要控制循环而且高精度、高动态响应的控制系统,那么您应该仔细考虑一下SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC运动控制驱动器。这种驱动器是智能控制系统的一部分。它能够实现机动、灵活和高效的驱动控制,其性能远远**过同类变频系统。在同步驱动器领域,运动控制确立的**伺服标准也已经有很多年了。这是一种工程造价成本低、控制精确度高、应用灵活的驱动系统,它已经在全世界范围内广泛应用,而且它是完全智能化的控制系统,它能保证您的生产系统在运行中具有很高的动态响应。高动态响应,*的灵活性和精确性:MASTERDRIVES MC驱动器使用了32位数字控制技术。 高过载因数能帮助您处理高难度的应用问题:MC运动控制驱动器有较高的过载因数:250ms内300%的过载能力。 高性能,小体积:例如一个功率为0.75kW的Compact PLUS紧凑增强型驱动器长宽高分别仅为260mm、45mm和360mm,可以很容易地安装于300mm深的箱体中。 集成式安全保护装置**了所有功能的安全应用:具有的"安全停止"功能,已经通过了一个安全生产调整部门的。 软件:灵活运用BICO技术,它们可被应用于所有必要的开环和闭环控制。 Performance 2能使循环运行的机器具有更高的动态响应,提高了的动态响应允许电流和转速控制器在T0中的计算时间减少到100微秒,而工艺软件和自由功能模块(例如F01)的计算时间在1.6毫秒之内。这些高性能已经与新一代的运动控制系统-SIMOTION结合在了一起。 F01工艺软件包-可以满足所有应用要求 SIMOLINK:多达200个驱动器的同步控制 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control 矢量控制模块:能够使您的机器设备与众不同的驱动系统---- 对于额定驱动功率高达6000KW的连续过程控制任务来说,它对自动控制和驱动技术的要求都很高。作为已经在世界范围内取得了巨大成功的驱动系统,SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVE Vector Control 矢量控制模块将是您的正确选择。您会选择一个与众不同的驱动系统,它可以动态、高效、二灵活的应用于所有领域。---- MASTERDRIVES Vector Control 的控制原理是*一**的:从驱动器的过程控制自动控制都采用了一个专门的工程管理工具-Drive ES 功率范围从0.55KW到6000KW,采用了*创性的控制原理、*创性的参数配置和*创性的操作控制概念 ---- 就控制精度、控制可靠性以及对电网无干扰的主动性前端(Active Front End)技术的实用性而言,MASTERDRIVES Vector Control 矢量控制良好于所有对手。而Vector Control Compact PLUS的紧凑性也是世界**的。综合化、集成化和智能化时期可以灵活的满足各种机械和应用需求,使机器设备的生产能力达到较高。简而言之-一个统一的控制系统可以带来管理成本的降低、**化的应用能力、高精确度、应用的灵活性和**的应用表现-当然,这需要控制系统与自动化生产系统整体上保持**的协调。---- SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control 可以处理所有驱动问题的通用驱动器。不但可以对三项感应电动机进行驱动控制,可控电压高达690V,同时模块化的嵌入式操作单元卡,继承的自由功能模块使您的驱动方案更加灵活。---- 无论在包装工业、印刷业、造纸业,还是木材加工业、纺织业、制造业、传输技术和高梁机架设备领域,MASTERDRIVES Vector Control 矢量控制都能提供具有很高生产效率的驱动解决方案。其原因是模块化的系统可以于所有的工业部门,它完全可以提供一个高成本效益的解决方案。Compact PLUS驱动模块,体积较小,功率密度高。 安全集成工艺,确保功能的安全性 - Drive ES Basic通过完全集成自动化的入口 - Drive ES Graphic 自由的配置您的驱动功能 - Drive ES PCS 7将友好的用户界面集成到PCS 7系统 模块化设计,为每一种驱动概念都提供安全保 出色的通讯装置,保持完全的开放型: - 实现了各种自动化环境中的较佳连接 - 通过PROFIBUS-DP进行通讯使用USS协议的串行接口 - DriveMonitor基于PC或SIMATIC的简便的调试工具 - 可以进行快速现场调试和诊断的智能化操作面板 分布式智能内核,可用于所有任务的功能模块 - 具有较高动态响应和分布式智能化的MASTERDRIVES Vector Control 矢量控制驱动器 - 用于开环和闭环控制以及带有逻辑功能的综合BICO软件库 功能范围广泛的扩展模板,使用于各种应用 - 用T100/T300/T400模板解决复杂的技术功能 - 通用通讯模板CBP2和CBC - 通过SIMOLINK,使用SLB模板实现驱动器之间的通讯 - 用EB1和EB2模板扩展输入和输出 - 使用外部脉冲编码器设置控制参考点的SBP模板 ---- 在**范围内,您都可以以来西门子的可靠技术。我们提供了完善的供应和售后系统,以保证MASTERDRIVES Vector Control可以应用到您需要的任何地方。我们的目标是:对于我们的各种产品,不但交货时间短,而且订货手续简单。另外,我们建立了综合性的**访罗, 可以为个人提供培训,并且随时随地为您提供技术支持,以保您的驱动系统总能正常工作。我们可以为您提供现场的或及电话支持。西门子一级授权代理商-PLC总代理商报价


    The SINAMICS G120 frequency inverter is designed to provide precise and cost-effective speed/torque control of three-phase motors.

    With different device versions (frame sizes FSA to FSGX) in a power range from 0.37 kW to 250 kW (0.5 hp to 400 hp), it is suitable for a wide variety of drive solutions.

    Example: SINAMICS G120, frame sizes FSA, FSB and FSC; each with Power Module, CU240E‑2 F Control Unit and Basic Operator Panel BOP-2

    Example: SINAMICS G120, frame sizes FSD, FSE and FSF; each with Power Module, CU240E‑2 F Control Unit and Intelligent Operator Panel IOP

    Example: SINAMICS G120, frame size FSGX; with Power Module, CU240E‑2 F Control Unit and Basic Operator Panel BOP-2西门子一级授权代理商-PLC总代理商报价

    Operator-friendly design

    SINAMICS G120 is a modular inverter system that essentially comprises two function units:

    Control Unit (CU)

    Power Module (PM)

    The Control Unit controls and monitors the Power Module and the connected motor using several different closed-loop control types that can be selected. It supports communication with a local or central controller and monitoring devices.

    The Power Module supplies the motor in the power range 0.37 kW to 250 kW (0.5 hp to 400 hp). It features state-of-the-art IGBT technology with pulse-bbbbb-modulated motor voltage and selectable pulse frequency. Comprehensive protection functions provide a high degree of protection for the Power Module and the motor.

    The Control Units can be combined with the following Power Modules:

    Control Units

    Power Modules degree of protection IP20


    PM230 1)























    1) PM230 Power Modules with integrated filter class A or class B, degree of protection IP55/UL Type 12, 0.37 kW to 90 kW (0.5 to 125 hp) are integral components of the SINAMICS G120P for pumps, fans and compressors. The CU230P‑2 is the Control Unit for SINAMICS G120P and SINAMICS G120P Cabinet for pumps, fans and compressors.More information can be found in Catalog D 35.

    Safety Integrated

    SINAMICS G120 standard inverters are available in different versions for safety-related applications. The PM240‑2 und PM250 Power Modules are already designed for Safety Integrated. PM240 Power Modules, frame size FSGX (i.e. 160 kW/250 hp and higher) are approved only for the Basic Safety functions (STO, SS1, and SBC). A drive can be combined with a Control Unit with safety functions (see overview) in order to create a Safety Integrated drive. The availability of Safety Integrated functions depends on the type of Control Unit.

    Control Unit

    Basic Safety functions

    Extended Safety functions




    SBC 1)








    CU240E‑2 F





    ✓ 2)





    ✓ 3)

    ✓ 3)

    ✓ 3)


    1) The SBC function can be utilized only if a Safe Brake Relay is installed.

    2) SSM possible only for CU240E‑2 DP‑F / CU240E‑2 PN‑F Control Units with PROFIsafe.

    3) With license for Extended Safety functions.

    Basic Safety functions (certified according to IEC 61508 SIL 2, and EN ISO 13849‑1 PL d and Category 3)

    Safe Torque Off (STO)
    to protect against active movement of the drive

    The PM240‑2 Power Modules, frame sizes FSD to FSF additionally offer STO acc. to IEC 61508 SIL 3 and EN ISO 13489‑1 PL e and Category 3.

    Safe Stop 1 (SS1)
    for continuous monitoring of a safe braking ramp

    Safe Brake Control (SBC) is used to safely control a holding
    brake. When enabled, SBC is always activated at the same time as STO. The Safe Brake Relay is used for SBC.

    Extended Safety functions (certified according to IEC 61508 SIL 2 and EN ISO 13849‑1 PL d and Category 3)

    Safely Limited Speed (SLS)
    for protection against dangerous movements on exceeding a speed limit

    Safe Direction (SDI)
    This function ensures that the drive can only rotate in the selected direction.

    Safe Speed Monitoring (SSM)
    This function **s if a drive operates below a specific speed/feed velocity.

    Basic Safety and Extended Safety functions can be activated via PROFIsafe or by means of the safety inputs.

    None of the safety functions require a motor encoder and they are thus cheaper and easier to implement. Existing systems in particular can be simply updated with safety technology without the need to change the motor or mechanical system.西门子一级授权代理商-PLC总代理商报价

    The Safe Torque Off (STO) function can be used without restriction for all applications. The SS1, SLS, SSM and SDI functions are only permissible for applications where the load can never accelerate when the inverter is switched off. They are therefore not permitted for applications involving pull-through loads such as hoisting gear and unwinders.

    Additional information is provided in chapter Highlights, section Safety Integrated.

    Efficient Infeed Technology

    The innovative Efficient Infeed Technology is employed in PM250 Power Modules. This technology allows the energy produced by motors operating in generator mode connected to standard inverters to be fed back into the supply system. For control cabinets, an additional temperature rise can be avoided and the amount of space required can be reduced due to the fact that components such as braking resistors, braking choppers and line reactors can be eliminated. Further, wiring and engineering costs are significantly reduced. At the same time, energy consumption can be reduced and ongoing operating costs noticeably reduced.

    Additional information is provided in chapter Highlights, section Efficient Infeed Technology.

    Innovative cooling concept and varnishing of electronic modules

    The new cooling system and varnishing of the electronic modules significantly increases the service life or useful life of the device.

    Disposal of all heat losses via an external heat sink

    Consequential convection cooling of the Control Unit, electronic modules are not located in the air duct

    All cooling air from the fan is directed through the heat sink

    Energy efficiency

    Integrated technologies help when optimizing the energy usage of the plant or system referred to the particular application:

    Energy-efficient vector control with or without sensors

    Automatic flux reduction with V/f ECO mode

    Integrated energy saving computer

    Additional information is provided in chapter Highlights, section Energy efficiency.



    Modularity ensures flexibility for a drive concept that is fit for the future

    Control Unit can be hot-swapped

    Pluggable terminals

    The modules can be easily replaced, which makes the system extremely service friendly

    The integrated safety functions significantly reduce the costs when integrating drives into safety-oriented machines or systems

    Communications-capable via PROFINET or PROFIBUS with PROFIdrive Profile 4.0

    Plant-wide engineering

    Easy to handle

    The innovative circuit design (bidirectional bbbbb rectifier with "pared-down" DC bbbb) allows the kinetic energy of a load to be fed back into the supply system when PM250 Power Modules are used. This feedback capability provides enormous potential for savings because generated energy no longer has to be converted into heat in a braking resistor

    Integrated USB interface for simplified, local commissioning and diagnostics

    Application-specific functions for pumps, fans and compressors
    Integrated are, e.g.:

    4 freely-programmable PID controllers

    Application-specific wizards

    Pt1000/LG-Ni1000 temperature sensor interface

    230 V AC relay

    3 freely-programmable digital time switches

    With CU250S‑2 Control Units: Integrated POSTTTIONing functionality (basic POSTTTIONer EPos) supports process-related implementation of POSTTTIONing tasks with a high dynamic response. POSTTTIONing can be implemented with an incremental and/or absolute encoder (SSI)

    With CU250S‑2 Control Units: Encoder interfaces DRIVE‑CLiQ, HTL/TTL/SSI (SUB‑D) and resolver/HTL (terminal)

    With CU250S‑2 Control Units: Vector control with or without sensors

    Integrated control functionality by using BICO technology

    An innovative cooling concept and coated electronic modules increase robustness and service life

    External heat sink西门子一级授权代理商-PLC总代理商报价

    Electronic components are not located in air duct

    Control Unit that is completely cooled by convection

    Additional coating of the most important components

    Simple unit replacement and quick copying of parameters using an optional Operator Panel or an optional memory card

    Quiet motor operation as a result of the high pulse frequency

    Compact, space-saving design

    Software parameters for simple adaptation to 50 Hz or 60 Hz motors (IEC or NEMA motors)

    2/3-wire control for static/pulsed **s for universal control via digital inputs

    Fast engineering and commissioning by using standard engineering tools such as SIZER for Siemens Drives, STARTER, SINAMICS Startdrive, and Drive ES – STARTER is integrated into STEP 7 using Drive ES Basic, with all of the benefits of central data management and totally integrated communication

    Certified worldwide for compliance with CE, UL, cUL, C-Tick (RCM) and Safety Integrated according to IEC 61508 SIL 2 and EN ISO 13849‑1 PL d and Category 3

    The PM240‑2 Power Modules, frame sizes FSD to FSF additionally offer STO acc. to IEC 61508 SIL 3 and EN ISO 13489‑1 PL e and Category 3.

    欢迎来到浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市松江区小昆山镇上海市松江区石湖荡镇塔汇路755弄29号1幢一层A区213室,联系人是颜涛。 主要经营浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司是北京西门子变频器代理商,具备以下产品优势西门子可编程控制器、西门子PLC采购、西门子PLC代理商供应、西门子PLC模块、西门子DP线缆西门子触摸屏、西门子工业以太网、西门子数控系统等等。。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司主营:西门子PLC模块代理商,西门子PLC采购,西门子PLC代理商,西门子PLC模块,西门子DP线缆,北京西门子变频器代理商等产品,是一家优秀的电子产品公司,拥有优秀的高中层管理队伍,他们在技术开发、市场营销、金融财务分析等方面拥有丰富的管理经验,选择我们,值得你信赖!